Technological Services

The particle’s electrical charge and discharge are key elements for the good working of an Electrostatic Precipitator. CRANFOS can foresee and evaluate if a precipitator will function well using the particle’s electric resistivity measurement technique.

Low electrical resistivity in the particulate matter indicates to us that are an easy dust to collect, however, the readmission of the dust in the gas flow can be a problem, and jeopardize the precipitator’s performance. On the other hand, high electrical resistivity in the particle indicates that the dust will not easily discharge the electrons in the collecting plaque causing the “back corona” phenomenon, which can as well jeopardize the precipitator’s performance.

CRANFOS Reforms and Upgrades can help the client foresee the extremes above mentioned, through the analysis of coal, ash, and the particulate’s electrical resistivity, and thus determine the Electrostatic Precipitator’s performance. For that, we enable:

•Help understand the process that presents high levels of particulate material emission, using this information to create solutions.
•Indicates actions that can improve the Precipitator’s performance, and estimate, how much it can be improved.
•Determines how resistant the particle is for the calculation of the Precipitator’s dimensioning.
•Generate customized reports and recommendations to improve collection efficiency.
•Generate the precipitator’s performance criteria, based on fuel type used in the plant.

The CRANFOS performed resistivity test is based on gas temperature, fuel type, use of conditioning agents in the gas, humidity, and other parameters.

Ask for our sample collection instructive document of your Electrostatic Precipitators.